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比利时梅赫伦环线公园Hendrik Speecqvest段景观设计 | OMGEVING

OMGEVING 2021-08-11
  • 项目名称:
    比利时梅赫伦环线公园Hendrik Speecqvest段景观设计
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Hendrik Speecqvest公园景观更新是梅赫伦环线公园(Vestenpark)规划中的第一个落地项目,该规划2012年由OMGEVING景观设计事务所和Mint咨询公司为比利时道路和交通局(AWV)制定。新的公园让人们提前感受到环线公园系统对梅赫伦未来的影响。公园的一半坐落在地下停车场的屋顶上,独创的屋顶结构和经过仔细考量的植物选择确保了上下层结构间的协调和统一。

The redevelopment of the Hendrik Speecqvest is the first realization of the Vestenpark, based on the concept that OMGEVING and Mint drew up for AWV (Road and Traffic Agency) in 2012. The new park counts as a preview of what the Vests can mean for the future of the city of Mechelen. Half of the park is situated on the roof of an underground car park, the ingenious roof structure and thoughtful planting ensure unity with a clear coordination between the lower and upper structures.  

▼ 鸟瞰图

Bird-eye’s view 

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Vestenpark and Vestenboulevard design


The Tangent to the east of the city will largely take over the transit function for motorized traffic, freeing up a considerable amount of space on the Mechelse Vesten. Responding to this opportunity, the Vests have been divided into two parts. A northern part that will have an urban boulevard profile and a southern part that, thanks to its considerable width, can transition into a Vestenpark.  A continuous park structure with more space for cyclists and public transport will become the new identity for one of the most characteristic spaces of the city. This intervention restores the balance between circulation and accommodation. The new, robust green structure softens the urban heating effect and is thus used to make Mechelen more climate adaptive.  

▼ Speecqvest公园平面图

Site plan of Speecqvest © OMGEVING

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Hendrik Speecqvest公园

Hendrik Speecqvest

随着能容纳352辆汽车的布鲁尔商业街地下公共停车场建成,Hendrik Speecqvest公园的重建工程更快地提上了日程。公园约有一半面积位于地下停车场上方,但设计妥善处理了斜坡和高差,地下停车场的结构设计也能够支撑大型乔木的种植,从而借助苍翠的绿植遮盖地下结构。

The reconstruction of Hendrik Speecqvest has been accelerated by the realisation of an underground car park "Mechelen Bruul" on this part of the Vesten. In this underground car park there is room for 352 cars. Approximately half of the Vestenpark of the first phase is partially realized above this underground construction. The ramps and rises are fully integrated in the central park. The ingenious construction of the parking basement also made it possible to plant large trees on the roof, making the substructure unreadable in the park with its lush greenery. 


Integration of basement car park 

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Ramps and rises are fully integrated in the central park

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Despite the fact that the timing of the Tangent and the underground car park could not be coordinated, it was decided to already realize the final design. Before the completion of the Tangent the car capacity remains on 2x 2lanes. At the inauguration of the Tangent, expected in 2022, the right hand lanes will be converted to bus lanes and the car capacity will be reduced to a 2x1 profile.  


Right hand lanes will be converted to bus lanes at the inauguration of the Tangent

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Park is connected to the public transportation

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得益于环线公园计划,Hendrik Speecqvest环路可以重现19世纪时为城市运河修筑堤坝后的景色。如今环线公园为弱势的道路使用者们提供了重要屏障,横向的道路与线性的自行车道和人行道相连接,让人们无论在环线的什么位置,都能顺畅地使用各种设施和有趣的步行路线。座椅矮墙和种植区的设计强化了边界,引导人们使用步行道,形成安全且清晰的交汇空间。

Thanks to the Vestenpark, Hendrik Speecqvest can once again match the situation of the 19th century, just after the damming up of the city canal. Today's Vesten is a prominent barrier for vulnerable road users. New transverse structures, linked to a linear path structure for cyclists and pedestrians, ensure fluid connections between the various functions and pleasant walking routes from, to and on the Vesten. The design with sitting walls and planting areas accentuates logical walking routes and guides the users, creating safe and legible intersections. 


Sitting walls and planting areas accentuates walking routes

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Safe and legible intersections

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New transverse structures links to path structure for cyclists and pedestrians

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在Hendrik Speecqvest公园的中心位置,设置了一块法式滚球场和几个野餐长凳,营造宁静放松的氛围。靠近Raghenoplein广场的一侧未来将升级为游乐区,使环线公园不仅是宜人的交通通道,更成为满足居民需求的休憩地点。这些措施有助于实现环线公园的设计愿景,即打造覆盖整个环线区域的停留空间,使环线成为重要的城市设施。

Centrally located on Hendrik Speecqvest, a boules court and a number of picnic benches provide tranquillity and relaxation. The side adjacent to Raghenoplein will eventually be upgraded with a playground, making the Vestenpark more than a pleasant passage but also an effective destination with a residential character. This fits in with the vision to create places to stay with meaning, divided over the entire Vests, so that the Vests can take on an important urban role. 


Boules court in the center of Hendrik Speecqvest

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Picnic benches provide tranquillity and relaxation

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The plant borders consist of a playful combination of perennials and shrubs. In spring, the borders are enriched with different types of bulbs. The solitary and multi-trunked trees provide a rich variation that matches the existing collection of trees on the Vesten.  


Perennials and shrubs in the planting areas

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Aerial view of the planting area

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合作方:D+A Consult

Location: Mechelen, Belgium

Client: city of Mechelen


Status: completed

Period: 2015-2019

Surface area: 1.67 ha

Schedule: public green roof park, infrastructure and drainage works, park design

Tasks: design, technical detailing, site supervision

Budget: € 2,580,000 excl vat

Partnership: D+A Consult









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