德国柏林ULAP广场景观设计 | 德国雷瓦德景观建筑事务所
Background Introduction
ULAP (Universum-Landes-Ausstellungspark) 世界博览会展馆原名世界博览会展馆。这里曾经展出过世界最大的飞行器Dornier DoX。二战中展馆被炸毁,留下开阔的场地。此后植被自由生长,成为城市中难得的一片绿地。场地位于柏林中心区最繁华的地段。当时柏林主火车站即将完工,本就南靠德国联邦国务部的场地,进一步成为通行要地。柏林发展局以“广场”为题征集设计方案,强调提高其通行性。
The ULAP (Universum-Landes-Ausstellungspark) World Exposition Pavilion was originally called the World Exposition Pavilion, and once exhibited the world’s largest aircraft Dornier DoX. The exhibition hall was bombed during World War II, leaving an open space. After that, the vegetation grew freely and became a rare green space in the city. The venue is located in the most prosperous area in central Berlin. At that time, the Berlin main railway station was about to be completed, and the site of the German Federal Ministry of State to the south became an important place. The Berlin Development Agency solicited design proposals with the theme of “Plaza”, emphasizing improving its accessibility.
▲场地内草木茂盛 Lush vegetation in the site © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲阶梯刻满历史痕迹 The steps are full of historical traces © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
Plan Discussion
Just as all competitors positioned the site as a traditional square and began to unify the pavement design elements, the designers of Reward Landscape Architects began to think about another possibility after field investigation. After many discussions, the central area of the site decided to abandon hard pavement and set it as plain ground. In a competition with the theme of “square”, it must be said that this is a risky decision.
▲在草坪及素土地面的多种方案中反复比较 Repeated comparisons in a variety of plans for lawns and plain soil © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The entire site is triangular, which is a relatively regular and concise geometric shape. In order to maintain the unity of the shape, the shape of the hillside is finally determined as the simplest semicircle.
▲推敲斟酌山坡形状 Consider the shape of the hillside © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The east side of the square is set as a smooth and lively hard pavement channel, while the core part is reserved for green space. In order to ensure traffic, the messy bottom vegetation was removed. A large number of preserved and newly planted trees enrich the green space frame. This not only preserves the lush characteristics of the site, but also uses the canopy to construct a new “roof” to commemorate the bombed-out exhibition hall.
▲场地落成完美复刻效果图 The perfect reproduction of the site completed © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The east passage is mainly paved with flat and atmospheric stone slabs, equipped with various travel facilities such as bicycle racks. This area is close to the open area of the building complex and is suitable for setting up outdoor facilities such as outdoor cafes.
▲形式及工艺都体现了简洁的美感 The form and craftsmanship reflect the beauty of simplicity © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The hard pavement and plain soil are separated by steel bars, and a relatively flat terrain is arranged to maintain the integrity of the site. The core plain soil pavement has a soft transition with the hard pavement, and is convenient for planting trees. It can also absorb rainwater more effectively and achieve a balance of rainwater within the site. The growth of trees in the green space makes the surface slightly uplift, and these topographical changes that do not affect traffic are preserved. The specially customized paving slabs are scattered with stone particles in the same color as the plain soil. The plain soil brought to the hard pavement by pedestrians blends into the pavement to keep it visually tidy.
▲长成后的树木投下怡人树荫 The mature trees cast pleasant shade © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲钢条分隔及特制的石板铺装 Steel strip separation and special stone paving © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The geometric shape easily breaks the site and creates a sense of alienation. The seats are arranged horizontally facing sharp corners, which not only makes the venue more uniform and regular, but also forms a welcome state.
▲通过座椅排布整合场地 Integrate venues through seat arrangement © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲场地的亲切感吸引居民步入 The intimacy of the site attracts residents to step in © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲座椅的质朴材质是塑造亲切感的一个重要元素 The rustic material of the seat is an important element in shaping intimacy © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
The famous historical event “execution of the last prisoner of Moabi” took place on the dilapidated stairs. The roots that broke away from the slate for growth space are permeated with natural vitality. The designers kept this broken ladder, just to ensure its accessibility, and added a new section on the left. This combination of old and new is full of philosophical beauty.
▲新阶梯使用同样铺装,与落败的阶梯形成哲学对比 Using the same pavement new ladder, which forms a philosophical contrast with the failed ladder © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲挣破石板的树根 Tree roots breaking the stone © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
There are two seats on the stairs. They better integrate the stairs and hillsides, and also provide the opportunity to stop and admire the site from a high position. The design of rainwater balance in the site also runs through. Metal meshes are used at the platform feet on the steps to facilitate rainwater infiltration and improve the digestibility of rainwater in the site.
▲金属踏板细节 Metal pedal details © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
As early as the early inspection stage, the designer sampled the vegetation. The plant configuration on the hillside selects native varieties to ensure the healthy growth of vegetation and reduce maintenance costs.
▲植物选用场地原有品种 The original species of the plant selection site© REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲城市绿地得以保留 Urban green space is preserved © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
Night and winter
Abandoned the seat back and column lighting venues, showing the rhythm of restraint and order. The wood is the surface and the cement is the bottom. The material of the seat matches the quiet environment, and the function provides a hiding place for the lighting equipment. The soft lighting ensures the safety at night and creates a tranquil scene different from the daytime. The rhythmic design makes the venue unique in the cold winter and white snow.
▲照明设施暗藏在座椅中 The lighting is hidden in the seat © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲夜间恬静怡人的使用场景 Quiet and pleasant use scene at night © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
▲冬日阶梯的风景 Landscape of stairs in winter © REHWALDT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
项目设计 & 完成年份:2005 & 2008
主设:H. Langkutsch
团队:K. Weber, D. Rehdanz, A. Aurin, M. Hoffmann, S. Becker
Project name: Competiton ULAP-Square Berlin
Design: Rehwaldt Landscape Architects
Website: https://rehwaldt.de/
Contact e-mail: beijing@rehwaldt.net
Design year & Completion Year: 2005 & 2008
Leader designer & Team
Main Creator: H. Langkutsch
Team: K. Weber, D. Rehdanz, A. Aurin, M. Hoffmann, S. Becker
Project location: Berlin, Germany
Gross Built Area: 1.3 ha
Photo credits: Rehwaldt Landscape Architects
Clients: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Abt. Städtebau und Projekte, Hauptstadtreferat