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盐田19.5公里海滨栈道重建景观设计 | 译地事务所

香港译地 2021-03-26
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00 封面: 盐田19.5公里海滨栈道.jpg

▲ 盐田19.5公里海滨栈道


Situated at the coast of Yantian in the eastern part of Shenzhen, the 19.5 km long Yantian Waterfront Boardwalk is the most famous waterfront for the spectacular ocean views. It is a reconstruction project after the hit of Super Typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, which is the strongest typhoon hitting Shenzhen since 1983, reaching Beaufort scale level 14, brought devastating destruction to the existing boardwalk.

02 2018年山竹台风后的场地照片.jpg

▲ 2018年山竹台风后的场地照片

01 总平面图.jpg

▲ 总平面图

03 大梅沙段平面图.jpg

▲ 大梅沙段平面图


The implemented part has a length of 11km. Tourist spots with spectacular sceneries, including Dameisha, Xiaomeisha and Beizaijiao, are connected by the new boardwalk. The leisure path, with tourist and sports elements, also extends to the Seafood Street, which is a promenade along local commercial blocks.  

The new boardwalk has an alignment with higher safety requirements and details with better climate resilience. It provides open spaces with higher inclusiveness and flexibility. By taking the chance of reconstruction, the Waterfront Boardwalk links up the fragmented urban fabric with the natural tourist spots, redefining the relationship between living and natural landscape. The new Yantian Waterfront Boardwalk would become a sustainable, vigorous, and world-class waterfront. 

▲ 大梅沙段:栈道从半山森林连接到海滨的侏罗纪时期的岩石上,引导游客通向波澜壮阔的自然景观

▲ 位于大梅沙段的观岩苏尔:游客们在岩石上架起的平台上观景和拍照

▲ 位于大梅沙段的观岩苏尔:观赏日出日落的最佳视角


The Dameisha Section of the Waterfront Boardwalk consists of three levels of corridors: the existing road, the bicycle trail and footpath at the upper portion and suspended boardwalk at the lower portion. Located at larger areas where the topography is comparatively flat, the new Service Stations act as entrances for the visitors who can enjoy the spectacular view of Dapeng Bay at the viewing platforms on the roof of the Service Stations. Paths and stairs move gently down the slope from the service station to the suspended boardwalk, enhancing the vertical connection between the two corridors. Viewing Platforms are located along the bicycle path, while Surs are located at the shoreline next to the suspended boardwalk. These two kinds of recreation platforms, which provide distinct experiences of sea-viewing, are the indispensable catalysts for a dynamic waterfront.

▲ 位于大梅沙段的栈道连桥串联海滨人行

▲ 位于大梅沙段的山林栈道采用通透的钢网材料,保证了山体上植物生长的采光,并很好保留了场地上的原生树木。

▲ 位于大梅沙段的山林栈道提供了极佳的望海视角


The Seafood Street Section of the Waterfront Boardwalk situates at one of the most prosperous commercial and retail areas in Yantian District. The promenade along Seafood Street was devastated during the hit of Typhoon Mangkhut. The design team treated the reconstruction project as an opportunity to reshape Yantian District. Seafood Street Section is a recreational promenade with bicycle trail and walkway. Part of the wider section is sunken for a closer experience with the coast. The bottom part of the balustrade is made up of prefabricated concrete modules, while the top part comprises stainless steel and treated wood handrail. At the other side of the promenade, retaining wall with prefabricated concrete modules echoes with the dynamic waterfront living. The feature high-chairs provide the best location for visitors to enjoy the marvelous views of Yantian Port. The tropical style planting design is reflected by the row of palm trees along the path. The overall design of the Seafood Street Section of the Waterfront Boardwalk shapes itself into a popular destination for citizens to relax and play.

▲ 位于大梅沙段的山林栈道提供了极佳的望海视角

11 位于大梅沙段的礁石步道旁,提供享受日落的独特景观.jpg

▲ 位于大梅沙段的礁石步道旁,提供享受日落的独特景观

▲ 大梅沙驿站图书馆的屋顶设有观景平台,旅客可以在这里饱览大鹏湾的壮丽景致

项目地点:中国 深圳














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