法国巴黎Polymorph装置设计 | Vincent Leroy
项目坐落于巴黎塞纳河畔,由艺术家Vincent Leroy设计制作。Polymorph装置的灵感来自远在天际的小行星,展示出一系列令人惊叹行星变化过程。八个独立的雕塑形态各有不同,却又息息相关,形成一组动态转化的延续。“在创作的过程中,灵感与想法是流动且变化的,它们相互影响,相互改变,因此,作品的进程十分缓慢”,Vincent Leroy解释道。“我们的创造基于已知的物体,而设计的核心在于通过不断地推演,为这个物体增加丰富度,看看它最终会呈现出什么形态。”
VL imagines on the banks side of the Seine in Paris an amazing series of evolutionary forms: a set of asteroids from beyond. Each shape seems to become the following slightly different: As a continuation of polymorphic transformation. VL explains that ideas can follow and evolve, influencing, transforming each other. It’s a slow construction. We create in relation to what we already know. Interest is the richness of this journey, of this evolution: how and where one goes.
▲装置鸟瞰,aerial view of the installation © Vincent Leroy Studio
▲八个独立的雕塑形态各有不同形成一组动态转化的延续,Each shape seems to become the following slightly different: As a continuation of polymorphic transformation © Vincent Leroy Studio
▲由装置看塞纳河,viewing the seine from the project © Vincent Leroy Studio
This series of modules seems to detach us from reality. A mix of science fiction, metaphysics, infinity and poetry emerge from it. The Seine quays thus resemble a long landing strip of unidentified objects from afar. Light also becomes a different flash on each surface. The blue of the Paris sky reflected on the mirror steel breaks down into multiple colors. The atmosphere is cosmic, intriguing and captivating at the same time.
▲光在装置的表面反射出不同的效果,Light also becomes a different flash on each surface © Vincent Leroy Studio
▲巴黎湛蓝的天空映在镜面钢上,The blue of the Paris sky reflected on the mirror steel © Vincent Leroy Studio
对艺术家Vincent Leroy来说,沉思是一个缓慢的过程,这个过程反映出人与速度的关系,以及与现实的距离。在当今的世界,慢节奏的思考是难能可贵的,Polymorph装置作为诗意与原始工艺的完美演绎,再次将人们与现实分离,带领人们走入梦幻的世界。
VL likes to contempler, take his time. A reflection on our relationship with the speed, the distance with the reality…so essential in today’s world. Once again it is the subtle mix of poetry and low technology that detaches us here from the real world.
▲由装置内部看天空,viewing the sky inside the installation © Vincent Leroy Studio
▲分析图,diagram © Vincent Leroy Studio