
We are very pleased to invite you to participate at the coming IFLA Americas Region Conference 2012, addressing the Green Challenge Borders: landscapes on the alert..., to be held in Medellin, Colombia from October 17 to 20, 2012 at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center.


This event is the Annual Conference organized by the International Federation of Landscape Architects, and the Colombian Society of Landscape Architects. The main goal of the event is, “to explore, from the holistic and interdisciplinary perspective that characterizes Landscape Architecture, new ways to generate fundamental thinking on sustainability, to provide a high quality environment in urban, rural areas, and to create vital settings for the health and well being of local communities.”


What a better place to discuss about this topic than Medellin! A city that has emerged from one of the most violent cities in the world to become a city driven by a vital community and engaging sound and profound territorial transformations to bring out the powerful message of social, physical and educational inclusion.


The Medellin Conference will hold two days of interactive conference workshops, bringing together local and worldwide interdisciplinary professionals, scholars and academic leaders.


The 2012 IFLA/SAP Conference provides a unique venue for advancing the professional, academic debate, offering a wide international perspective, with localism proposals and a variety of networking opportunities for professionals, researchers and all interested in the landscape.

2012 IFLA/SAP会议为拓展专业学术讨论提供了独特的场合,提供了广阔的国际视野,既有地方性的提案,又有为专家、研究者和所有对景观感兴趣的人士提供的各种合作机会。

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this event!

Please visit the Congress site for details, and save the dates on your calendar! ... www.iflasap2012.com

Colombian Society of Landscape Architects

Based on its mission to strengthen the Landscape Architecture in Colombia, the promotion of the landscape dimension and its holistic approach to planning, management and design, the Colombian Society of Landscape Architects - SAP becomes the professional organization to lead this international event called IFLA Regional Conference of the Americas.


Organizer: Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos Paisajistas
主办单位:哥伦比亚景观设计师协会 www.sapcolombia.org

International Cooperation: International Federation of Landscape Architects
国际合作伙伴:国际景观设计师联盟 www.iflaonline.org


Operator: AVIATUR

Airline: AVIANCA

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