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哥本哈根最大暴雨防范项目: Sankt Kjelds 广场和Bryggervangen街区| SLA Architects

SLAArchitects 2022-03-22
  • 项目名称:
    Sankt Kjelds 广场和Bryggervangen
  • 项目地点:
  • 项目规模:
  • 设计公司:
  • 施工单位:
  • 委托方:
  • 建成时间:
  • 所获奖项:
    LILA 2020基础设施类入围
  • 图片来源:
    Mikkel Eye, SLA Architects

▼项目鸟瞰 © SLA / Mikkel Eye


Sankt Kjelds广场和Bryggervangen项目将气候适应性与城市空间规划相结合,是哥本哈根市迄今为止最大、最环保的暴雨防范项目。该项目有助于增加城市的生物多样性,提高当地居民的健康和生活质量,减少空气污染并缓解城市热岛效应。  

The combined climate adaptation and urban space project ‘Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen’ is Copenhagen Municipality’s largest and greenest cloudburst adaption project to date. A climate adaption project that enhances biodiversity in the city, increases health and quality of life for local citizens, reducing air pollution and reduces the urban heat island effect.


Aerial Photo of Plan © SLA



交通环岛与周边环境的改造赋予了Sankt Kjelds广场和Bryggervangen显著的可持续特性,成为该市蓝绿气候适应性规划的地标,也是基于自然的气候适应性项目的先驱。该项目立足于当地特色的生物群落(如Utterslev Mose、Kongelunden 和 Amager Fælled),并在理性与艺术相结合的方式中得以展示,从而凸显了哥本哈根独特的城市特质。

The project - that is part of the ‘Climate District’ initiative - shows how effective protection against cloudbursts can go hand in hand with green and recreational urban spaces that reduce traffic and strengthen biodiversity. Here, the rainwater is handled on the surface and thus become a resource giving life to plants and trees rather than simply ending up in overflowing sewers.
The transformation of the roundabout and the surrounding area gives Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen a strong sustainable identity as the city’s landmark for bluegreen climate adaptation - and is a frontrunner within nature-based climate adaption. The project defines a distinctive urban nature of Copenhagen, that learns from characteristic biotopes in Copenhagen such as Utterslev Mose, Kongelunden and Amager Fælled - and uses their processes in a rational and aesthetic way. 


the Plan © SLA


该项目建造出新的城市自然,兼顾了艺术与功能、生物多样性与可持续性,蓝绿基础设施与气候适应性,并营造出一种社区感。 在这一城市自然景观中,源自48个本地树种的586棵新树,让哥本哈根市民在家门口,便能体验到浓烈的自然之美。

The result is new city nature that is aesthetic and functional, biodiverse and sustainable, green and blue, climate adaptable, and creates a sense of community. A city nature that gives the Copenhageners a strong aesthetic feeling of nature right on their doorstep - among 586 new trees of 48 local species.

▼城市自然 © SLA / Mikkel Eye

▼本土植物选与空间搭配 © SLA / Mikkel Eye






The project secures the area for flooding by containing and delaying rainwater in numerous specially designed green urban spaces. Instead of leading the rainwater away in overcrowded sewers, the rainwater is instead dealt with locally and gives thus life to plants and trees as well as creating new bluegreen nature experiences - in the heart of the city.  


Handle Cloudburst Events © SLA / Mikkel Eye

新栽种的586 棵树木是雨水管理的核心,由此形成的绿色雨水花园系统能应对当地最大量级的暴雨。当暴雨来袭时,雨水将被引至树林和花园中,然后慢慢渗入地下,或再由雨洪管道排入哥本哈根港。

The 586 new trees are central to the rainwater management. The trees are planted to form a network of green rain gardens that enable the project to handle even the largest cloudburst events. When the cloudbursts hit, the rainwater will be directed to the tree- and rain gardens and slowly seep down locally or further to the port of Copenhagen via a cloudburst pipeline.


Network of Green Rain Gardens © SLA / Mikkel Eye


In addition to solving the challenges of cloudburst, the project also provides a wide range of green qualities for new meetings and social activities for the local citizens. The paths among the many trees makes it possible for you to explore the city nature and find miracles, walnuts and paradise apples under the tree crowns. 


Provides Areas for Social Activities © SLA / Mikkel Eye


Paths Among the Trees ©SLA / Mikkel Eye


The project's squares and urban spaces are given outdoor seating areas, benches among the trees and large, overturned trees that children can play and climb - and which insects and wildlife can find new homes and food in, which significantly increase the city's biodiversity.


Outdoor Seating Areas ©SLA / Mikkel Eye


Increased the City's Biodiversity ©SLA / Mikkel Eye

通过创造新的城市自然,设计者解决了当下城市面临的一些重要挑战,如噪音和空气污染、气候适应和城市热岛效应。Sankt Kjelds广场和Bryggervangen以气候适应为核心,并基于自然进行设计,让人们从中受益良多:水清树绿的环境、健康积极的生活与社交环境。简而言之,这一切让城市生活更有价值。

By creating new city nature in the project, we solve some of the great challenges the city faces right now such as noise- and air pollution, climate adaption and the urban heat island effect. Just as much as the project at Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen center around climate adaption, it is also about the additional benefits we get from climate adaptation and the nature-based design: The blue, the green, the health, the active and the social. In short: All what makes life in the city worth living.


All What Makes Life in the City Worth Living ©SLA / Mikkel Eye


“Sankt Kjelds广场和Bryggervangen展示了城市发展的新范式。该项目采用整体性方法将城市雨洪管理和提高城市生物多样性等众多功能结合在一起。通过基于自然的设计,我们将 9,000 平方米的沥青场地转变为了新的自然空间。这586 棵树木及大量新的动植物为居民创造了真正的自然生活品质。” 

“Sankt Kjelds Square and Bryggervangen signifies a new paradigm within city development. The project uses a holistic approach that brings together a wide range of features such as cloudburst protection and urban biodiversity enhancement. Through our nature-based design approach we have transformed 9,000 square meters of asphalt into new nature. 586 new trees - living and dead - and a host of new plants and animal species create real quality of life for the residents,” says Stig L. Andersson, Founding Partner and Design Director of SLA.


A New Paradigm within City Development ©SLA / Mikkel Eye


“在该项目的新自然空间设计中,我们运用生态系统服务,不仅保护了城市免受暴雨后的洪水侵袭,还让污染的空气得以净化,改善了小气候,并为社区提供了公共基础设施。我们也为城市生活的意义赋予了全新的体验。在Sankt Kjelds广场和Bryggervangen中,自然之美让人与自然之间有了新的连系。如今,城市中已有太多人失去了这种连系,但这也成为越来越多的人的需求。”SLA公司联合创始人兼设计总监Stig L. Andersson说道。

“In the design of the project’s new nature, we use ecosystem services to not only protect the city from flooding after cloudbursts, purify polluted air, improve microclimate and provide a social foundation for the neighborhood. We also create a whole new experience of what it means to live in a city. In Sankt Kjelds and Bryggervangen there is a new aesthetic connection between man and nature. A connection that too many people have lost in the city today, and which more and more people are requesting,” says Stig L. Andersson, Founding Partner and Design Director of SLA.


项目名称: Sankt Kjelds 广场和Bryggervangen



设计公司:SLA Architects





图片来源:Mikkel Eye, SLA Architects

所获奖项:LILA 2020基础设施类入围









