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巴塞罗那和蒙卡达之间的人行步道景观设计 | BATLLE I ROIG ARQUITECTURA

BatlleiRoig 2021-08-26
  • 项目名称:
  • 项目地点:
  • 项目规模:
    7.608 m2
  • 设计公司:
  • 委托方:
    Besòs Consortium
  • 建成时间:
  • 图片来源:
    Jordi Surroca, Batlleiroig


Video ©️ Pol Jordà


A gently sloping pedestrian walkway on the natural hillside ©️ Jordi Surroca

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本案设计目标在于改善 Vallbona 和 Can Sant Joan 区之间的步行可达性,通过对现有道路的路线和坡度进行微调,解决了相邻社区之间缺乏连接的问题。项目促进了慢行交通和生物友好型城市的发展,为人们带来更健康、低碳和可达的生活空间。人们沿着平缓的175 米长新步道走进重新绿化的山林,俯瞰贝索斯河的壮丽景色。

The project’s goal is to arrange and improve the pedestrian connection between the Vallbona and Can Sant Joan districts, slightly regularizing the trace and the slope of the existing path to solve the lack of connection between adjacent neighborhoods. Committing to soft mobility and a biophillic city: healthier, cleaner, and more accessible for people. The new 175m long passageway, is traced with gentle slopes for pedestrians in a renatured environment, acting as an overlook over the Besòs river.


Pedestrian walkway provides a safer, healthier and cleaner mobility paradigm ©️ Jordi Surroca

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借助标准化模块和有限的材料选择,设计师把复杂的项目简单化,从而更多地关注场地特色和每一个观景点的设置,尽可能最大限度地保留现有植被和地形。 Primer de Maig 广场旁的空地上种满了果树,未来这里将成为“昆虫旅馆”在城市中的安置点。

Defining the standard section and choosing a limited material palette, a complex project is solved in a simple manner, paying attention to the specificity of the place and adapting to each spot in order to maintain existing vegetation and slopes in the most respectful way possible. The esplanade adjacent to the Primer de Maig square is arranged with fruit trees, creating an urban threshold where an insect hotel will be installed.


Insect hotel will be installed on the aquare ©️ Jordi Surroca

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The pedestrian walkway connects the neighborhoods ©️ Jordi Surroca

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In the new door-to-door urban mobility paradigm, this new path must become a new more secure, healthier, and comfortable connection between both municipalities. A space destined to be a leisure path, a metropolitan link, and a natural lookout for everyone.


Pedestrians standing on the walkway overlooking the Besòs river ©️ Jordi Surroca

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Analysis of the pedestrian connection ©️ Batlleiroig

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Masterplan ©️ Batlleiroig

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Sections ©️ batlleiroig

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项目名称: 巴塞罗那和蒙卡达之间的人行步道


项目规模: 7.608 m2

设计公司: Batlleiroig

主创建筑设计师:Enric Batlle, Joan Roig, Iván Sánchez

建筑设计师:Clàudia Amías, Clara Terradellas, Marta Sanz, Laura Florentín

技术工程师:Elisabeth Torregrossa

农业工程师:Dolors feu, Yago Cavaller

委托方: Besòs Consortium

项目时间:2018 - 2019

合作方:SBS Engineering


预算:922. 831,41 €(约7018人民币)

图片来源:Jordi Surroca, Batlleiroig

视频来源:Pol Jordà

Project Name: Pedestrian connection between Barcelona and Montcada

Project location: Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona

Gross Built Area: 7.608 m2

Architecture Firm: Batlleiroig

Lead Architects: Enric Batlle, Joan Roig, Iván Sánchez

Architects: Clàudia Amías, Clara Terradellas, Marta Sanz, Laura Florentín

Technical Engineer: Elisabeth Torregrossa

Agricultural Engineer: Dolors feu, Yago Cavaller

Clients: Besòs Consortium

Project Year: 2018 - 2019

Cooperation: SBS Engineering

Budget: 922. 831,41 €

Photo and drawing credits: Jordi Surroca, Batlleiroig

Video credits: Pol Jordà








