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  • 「为什么工厂」带你重新想象过去的未来




时间   2021年10月16日 - 12月30日

地点   深圳市南山区南头古城if工厂204 

Date   October 16 - December 30, 2021

Venue 204 idea factory, Nantou City, Shenzhen

《今日已旧/ The New Old》是MVRDV创始合伙人、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授Winy Maas在代尔夫特理工大学创立和领导的智库机构——「为什么工厂」 (The Why Factory, 缩写: t?f) 与西班牙加泰罗尼亚高等建筑研究所IAAC城市与技术硕士项目合作开展的一项研究。这项研究将以展览的形式,在深圳南头古城if工厂的CABLE展厅中呈现。巧合的是,if工厂也是MVRDV最新完成的建筑改造项目。

The New Old is a research by The Why Factory, a global think-tankand research institute led by Winy Maas, Professor of TU Delft and Founding Partnerof MVRDV, in collaboration with the Master of City and Technology at IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain). The research will be presented as part of the exhibition Cities, Circling in Time at CABLE gallery in Idea Factory, a renovation project recently completed by MVRDV in Nantou Ancient Town in Shenzhen.


The research explores what ‘Old’ means, what willbecome ‘Old’ in the future and how to manage everything that due to technological, social or cultural changes will soon become obsolete. By understanding the location, size and timeline of the soon-to-become-obsolete, we envisioned its future. ‘Re’ actions on the ‘Old’, such as ‘Re-moving’, ‘Re-using’, ‘Re-locating’ or ‘Re-membering’, to name just a few, let us understand what the New Old will be and how it will look like.


Research team

The Why Factory:

Winy Maas, Javier Arpa Fernández, Adrien Ravon, Lex te Loo

Students (The Why Factory): 

Yousra  Ahllache, Jorn Beltman, Juliette Brouwer, Olivia Dolan, Dorsa Ghaemi, Mieneke Jongert, Reinier Kok, Sophie Koopman, Eva Maarleveld, Aga Omastka, Ivan Pashov, Marnix Prins, Matteo Tiraboschi, Rik van de Wijgert, Zwaan van der Scheer, Dino Vojvodić, Lucas Zarzoso Hueck 

Students (IAAC): 

Adriana Aguirre Such, Arina Novikova, Alvaro Cerezo Carrizo, Dongxuan Zhu, Hebah Qatanany, Iñigo Esteban Marina, Juan Pablo Pintado Miranda, Kevin Aragón, Diana Roussi, Kshama Patil, Laura Guimarães, Leyla Saadi, Mario González, Marta Maria Galdys, Matteo Murat, Aishath Nadh Ha Naseer, Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes, Sasan Bahrami, Simone Grasso, Sinay Coskun, Sridhar Subramani, Stefania-Maria Kousoula, Tugdual Sarazin, Miguel Tinoco Hdz, Iván Reyes Cano


 About The Why Factory 

「为什么工厂」(The Why Factory, 缩写: t?f) 是由MVRDV联合创始人、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授Winy Maas在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学创立和领导的研究机构。「为什么工厂」专注于通过模型制作和未来都市的可视化研究,探索城市发展的可能性。

The Why Factory (T?F) is a global think-tank and research institute led by professor Winy Maas, founding partner of MVRDV. It explores possibilities for the development of our cities by focusing on the production of models and visualisations for cities of the future.


Education and research of The Why Factory are combined in a research lab and platform that aims to analyse, theorise and construct future cities. The Why Factory investigates within the given world and produces future scenarios beyond it; from universal to specific and global to local. It proposes, constructs and envisions hypothetical societies and cities; from science to fiction and vice versa. The Why Factory thus acts as a future world scenario making machinery.

「为什么工厂」希望通过参与关于建筑和城市化的公开讨论,将The Why Factory的研究成果通过各种方式传达给公众,包括展览、出版物、学术会议和专题研讨会。

We want to engage in a public debate on architecture and urbanism. The Why Factory’s findings are therefore communicated to a broad public in a variety of ways, including exhibitions, publications, workshops, and panel discussions.

「为什么工厂」的成果曾在多个活动中展出,例如2009年中国香港“设计营商周”;2009年荷兰海牙Foodprint Manifestation展览;2010年德国柏林Imaginarium展。作品《垂直村落》”于2011年在中国台北明日博物馆展出,2012年在韩国首尔当代艺术博物馆展出,2013年在德国汉堡博物馆展出。装置作品《 (W)ego住宅》在2017年“深港城市/建筑双城双年展”上展出。

The work of The Why Factory has been exhibited at various events, such as the Business of Design Week, Hong Kong, 2009; Foodprint Manifestation, Den Haag, 2009; Imaginarium, Berlin, 2010; Museum of Tomorrow, Taipei, 2011; The Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, 2012; Hamburg Museum, Hamburg, 2013; COAM, Madrid, 2016; Architekturgalerie, Munich, 2017; Dutch Design Week, 2017; Spazio FMG, Milan, 2017.

「为什么工厂」将其研究的核心内容浓缩为一套丛书——“未来都市合辑(Future Cities Series)”,由荷兰出版商nai010联合出版。“未来都市集合”系列丛书已出版过以下作品:《Visionary Cities》(2009)、《Green Dream》(2010)、《The Why Factor(y)》(2010)、《The Vertical Village》(2011)、《Hong Kong Fantasies》(2011)、《City Shock》(2012)、《Barba》(2015)、《We Want World Wonders》(2016)、《Absolute Leisure》(2016)、《Copy Paste》(2017)、《Poro City》(2018)、《Towers of Choices》(2019)和《Green Dip》(2020)。

At the core of The Why Factory’s campaign is a series of books —the ‘Future Cities Series’—, which is being published in association with nai010 Publishers in Rotterdam. In the ‘Future Cities Series’ the following books have been published: Visionary Cities (2009), Green Dream (2010), The Why Factor(y) (2010), The Vertical Village (2011), Hong Kong Fantasies (2011), City Shock (2012), We Want World Wonders (2014), Barba (2015), Absolute Leisure (2016) and Copy Paste (2017).


About CABLE 


CABLE is an experimental space dedicated to urban investigations. It will present exhibitions and events to formulate interdisciplinary conversations about planning, architecture and culture with a specific focus on the city. With flexible spaces that can adapt into gallery, event, urbanist bookstore and artist studio, it aims to host public programs in urbanism and related issues.



