项目背景 Project Background
The project intends to create and enhance the riverways, buildings, culture and industry around Xili Reservoir as a whole. It aims to develop the riverways and areas around the reservoir into iconic public spaces, so as to accommodate the public and cultural life of consumers and residents in these areas, and provide spaces for public facilities, landscape environment and urban events and activities, etc. To achieve these goals, this international competition is hereby launched to solicit the best design proposal for the project.
竞赛范围 Competition Scope
(1) Landscape Design Scope
The landscape design covers the water treatment facilities (e.g., early rain storage pool, runoff storage pool, water purification plant, etc.) within and around the riverway management scope of Makan River, Makan River Left Tributary 1, Makan River Left Tributary 2, Dakan River, Baimang River, Lishui River and Yanqing River. The detailed scope is shown in the attached figure. The riverway management scope totals about 1,174,000 m².The water treatment facilities, with original functions retained, can be designed and renovated in combination with public open spaces.
(3) Research Scope

竞赛规则 Work Rules
The Competition consists of three stages, i.e.registration and prequalification, conceptual design competition and design detailing. The Competition is open to global design teams who submit Registration Documents and draft conceptual proposals as per the Work Rules and Design Brief (Technical) of the Competition. The Prequalification Committee set up by the Host will shortlist six finalists and two substitutes through voting. Should a finalist quit the Competition, the substitute will take its place by ranking and participate in the subsequent conceptual design competition.If the number of valid design teams is less than 8, the host will reorganize the registration and prequalification of the project.
报名要求 Registration Requirements
(1) 本次国际竞赛不设资质要求,境内外具有相关设计经验的设计机构(独立法人资格或具有独立承担民事责任的能力的其他组织)均可报名参加。
(2) 允许联合体报名,联合体成员数量不限,但需以联合体协议书明确联合体的牵头单位和各自职责。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加本次竞赛。
(4) 不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
(1) The Competition sets no threshold in terms of qualification certificates. All local and international design teams (independent legal entities or other organizations that can independently bear civil liability) with relevant design experience are eligible for the registration.
(2) Registration by consortium is allowed and there is not limit on number of its members. A consortium agreement should be submitted to specify the leading party and the work division. No consortium member is allowed to participate in the Competition again independently, or via consortium with other design team(s).
(3) Both local and international design teams must be legally registered for business operation and hold valid business licenses. Two or more legal entities, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies with the same legal representative are not allowed to register for the Competition concurrently.
竞赛日程(暂定) Timetable (Tentative)
时间 Time | 事项 Activities |
竞赛报名及资格预审 Registration and Prequalification | |
2021年3月17日 Mar 17, 2021 | 发布竞赛正式公告及接受报名 Release of official announcement and opening of registration |
2021年3月22日17:00之前 By 17:00, Mar 22, 2021 | 参与踏勘设计机构登录网址https://jinshuju.net/f/XiJNG3填写踏勘报名信息 Registration for site visit at https://jinshuju.net/f/XiJNG3 |
2021年3月25日 Mar 25, 2021 | 场地踏勘 Site visit |
2021年3月30日17:00之前 By 17:00, Mar 30, 2021 | 参赛设计机构登录网址https://jinshuju.net/f/ieskuy填写电子报名信息 E-registration at https://jinshuju.net/f/ieskuy |
2021年4月9日17:00之前 By 17:00, Apr.9, 2021 | 提交电子报名文件及纸质报名文件至深圳交易集团有限公司建设工程招标业务分公司二楼窗口,报名截止 Submission of softcopy and hardcopy of Registration Documents to the service window on F2, The Construction Project Bidding Branch of Shenzhen Exchange Group; deadline of registration |
2021年4月14日 Apr.14, 2021 | 资格预审会 Prequalification meeting |
概念方案竞赛 Conceptual Design Competition | |
2021年4月21日 Apr.21, 2021 | 竞赛启动暨现场踏勘及答疑会 Competition kick-off meeting, site visit and Q&A meeting |
2021年6月2日17:00之前 By 17:00, Jun.2, 2021 | 提交成果文件 Delivery of design submissions |
2021年6月上旬 Early June, 2021 | 方案评审会 Evaluation meeting |
定标 Bid Finalization | |
2021年6月中下旬 Mid-to-late June, 2021 | 定标会 Bid finalization meeting |
竞赛费用 Honorarium
The first-place winner will receive RMB 5,700,000 yuan, including a design cost of RMB 2,300,000 yuan and design detailing fee of RMB 3,400,000 yuan. The design detailing must integrate and develop design submissions of the Competition into official design proposal as per the expert’s evaluation comments and the Host’s requirements, which does not include design development and construction drawing design. The design detailing submissions shall be detailed up to the schematic level and pass the review and evaluation of the Expert Evaluation Committee set up by the Host.
The second-/third-place winner will each be paid a stipend of RMB 900,000 yuan.
Design teams ranking the fourth, fifth and sixth places will each receive a stipend of RMB 700,000 yuan.
*The above design costs, stipends and design detailing fee are tax inclusive.
特别提示 Notes
As Home Page of Project Trading Service (http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/) is the announcement and publicity platform of the Competition, all members of the consortia must be registered in the website online (refer to detailed instruction at http://www.szggzy.com/fwdh/fwdhjsgc/bszn3/content_54227.html). All design teams must go through the corporate filing process before submitting Registration Documents and draft conceptual proposal.
组织机构及联系方式 Contact
Organizers: Shenzhen Center for Design (Shenzhen Center for Public Art), Benecus Consultancy Limited
Announcement and Publicity Platform: Home Page of Project Trading Service (http://zjj.sz.gov.cn/jsjy/)
Contacts: Ms. Ye and Ms. Lai
Tel: (755) 832 484 64, 829 078 66
E-mail: scd-competition@szdesigncenter.com