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  • 《景观设计学》2021年第2期

    作 者:
    罗涛(LUO Tao),黄圳(HUANG Zhen),刘江(LIU Jiang)等
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Human Landscapes in Big History, by Yu Kongjian





从今年2月初开始,田埂上便有我熟悉却并不知晓学名的乡土野草陆续开花了。先是稻槎菜(Lapsana apogonoides)、碎米荠(Cardamine hirsuta)、阿拉伯婆婆纳(Veronica persica)等;到了2月中旬,则是拟鼠麹草(Gnaphalium affine)、雀舌草(Stellaria alsine)、鹅肠菜(Myosoton aquaticum)等;时至2月下旬,田野里的油菜花也已开始零零星星地吐黄,并迅速进入盛花期;而到我写作的今日(3月11日),放眼望去,三千多亩的田野已尽染金黄。而田埂也被夏天无(Corydalis decumbens)的紫色花朵所覆盖,在灿然的油菜花中显得异常美艳;而天葵(Semiaquilegia adoxoides)的白色小花则总是被忽视。可以想见,去年疫情期间,在人们的无限留恋与惋惜中,田野很快便会卸下油菜花盛装,换上绿色的水稻外套,接着披上沉甸甸的、金色的稻穗秋装,之后便是在晨雾中裹紧泛着银光的冬袄。如此,周而复始,年复一年。




Experienced too much bitterness in the COVID-19 pandemic, I have also been deep in thought from the lessons learned in the past year. Being in Xunjiansi village in Wuyuan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, remote from China’s metropolises, I owned an opportunity of “keeping calm and carrying on” in the quarantine, as well as a moment of “holding the world with an open mind” via the Internet, across the boundaries of time and space.

Due to the COVID-19, the Frontiers Forum, an academic conference gathering global top scientists scheduled to be held in Switzerland, had to be changed into an online-lecture series every month. On March 2, the first lecture titled “Big History: Equipping Our Children to Manage a Planet” was delivered by David Christian, a famous educator and historian. Challenging conventional views of history, Christian offers us a magnificent, unprecedented Big History perspective to re-examine human beings and the space-time where they survive and develop. Interestingly, he presented a photo of Guilin’s rural scenery to illustrate his ideas.

Christian generalized 8 thresholds of Big History. Combining various disciplinary systems such as Cosmology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Anthropology, and Literary History, a new vast knowledge system that helps us understand the world and human beings and serves as an educational framework for next human generation can be created. [1] Under the view of Big History, human history, no matter how earthshaking it is praised to be, is just barely even worthy of mention, in which man has always adapted, evolved, and reproduced in a regularly changing environment. In the past century, especially in the recent half, human carbon emission has posed the planet an unprecedented environmental crisis to its natural resilience. Although only a transient variation in the earth’s long history, it may lead to a catastrophe to human beings ourselves.

Turning off laptop and putting on my rain boots, I walked into a ridge covered by dew, experiencing the resilience and constancy of nature—the root of people’s belonging and identity for land. In July 2020, this area suffered from the most severe flood in decades. On the winding Yan Stream, weirs destroyed by the flood have been restored, and the collapsed thousand-year ancient path repaired with old slates. Amazingly, those several ancient camphor trees standing for over 1,000 years and the ancient well built in the Southern Song Dynasty near the stream remain so intact that I cannot help imagining how many natural disasters they survived from. Only half a year passes by, the landscape has self-restored, seeming to have experienced no impact.

Since the beginning of February this year, native plants, familiar to me but not known by academic names, have been blooming on the field ridges, including Lapsana apogonoides, Cardamine hirsuta, and Veronica persica; Gnaphalium affine, Stellaria alsine, and Myosoton aquaticum in the middle of February; by late February, rape flowers began to sprout and soon turned the fields into a yellow meadow—on March 11 when I write this article, it became a stunning landscape covering an area of nearly 200 hm2. Covering the ridges, purple flowers of Corydalis decumbens look gorgeous among bright rape flowers sea. In contrast, Semiaquilegia adoxoides’ small white flowers are often ignored, so were the beautiful landscape during the pandemic last year—people missed the attractive seasonal sceneries from yellow meadow of rape flowers in spring, green crops in summer, golden paddy fields in autumn to sparkling mist and snow in winter. Come and gone, year after year.

Behind the tall grasses at the mountain foot, there are the tombs of my ancestors, with the inscriptions on the tombstones. Since the first generation began to settle in the dense forests of northern subtropics, human beings have been living here nearly a thousand years. The landscapes of starry sky, vibrant grasses, and crops growing in season, as well as the ridges and weirs, are persistent over centuries, just as what we see today. Although I guess that the ancestors must had suffered from more severe floods or pandemics than what we are facing today, life continues—birth, grow, thriving, death… all follow the laws of universe. The dependence on and adaption to land and life allows the earth, human beings, and their communities (which can also be understood as landscapes) to exist in a relatively constant state. By virtue of resilience, humans and their communities adapt to and make use of the nature, forming a sense of identity and belonging to the land which finally is manifested as unique vernacular landscapes.

However, as a native growing up on this land, I can see a global disaster that begins to take shape and is quickly exacerbating and even to break out, which will go far beyond the resilience of the land, of the entire human beings, of the whole society, and even of the planet living system. Now, fish is disappearing from streams, and loaches, earthworms or frogs are disappearing from fields; the soil of more and more paddy fields are hardening or salinizing, and eutrophication is increasingly seen in upstream water bodies. Farmers spray the fields with plenty of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers—they have to do so, of course, down to the pressure of survival. The rapid changes on the fields are challenging the resilience of natural living system, and will eventually lead to a complete collapse and result in unpredictable disasters, far worse than the floods and the pandemic we have been suffering from today.

Big History is warning us: To satisfy human beings’ desires, the immoderate exploitation of fossil energy resources that are accumulated by lives on Earth for millions of years has aggravated greenhouse gas emissions that exceed the carbon sequestration capacity of the nature; Humans have chemically synthesized new substances exceeding the resilience of natural living system, e.g. various sorts of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics, which are causing environmental damages and threatening the natural system mankind rely on. Even in the Big History of 14 billion years, this is a critical moment to humans’ survival that may rewrite human history.


[1] Christian, D. (2021, March). Big History: Equipping Our Children to Manage a Planet. Frontier Forum 2021. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Frontiers Media S.A.. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?index=3&list=PLpCH1XIO3lYtRELTupGHOfrbylNlPhPKR&v=JhowXxz_uAs



