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Rajiv Saini + Associates设计的恒河之家酒店

admin 2011-09-20 来源:景观中国网
Rajiv Saini + Associates设计的恒河之家住宅,位于印度恒河边。House by the Ganges恒河之家墙体的独特设计以及大落地窗的安置,让它在恒河边醒目、庄重。

  Rajiv Saini + Associates设计的恒河之家住宅,位于印度恒河边。House by the Ganges恒河之家墙体的独特设计以及大落地窗的安置,让它在恒河边醒目、庄重。 

House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家


House by the Ganges恒河之家





