三名建筑师荣获2016 Young Talent Architecture Award
Fundació Mies van der Rohe公布了首届Young Talent Architecture Award(YTAA)2016三位获奖者名单。今年成立这个奖项是为了表彰立志于改善我们未来的生活环境的,刚走出校园的优秀建筑师、城市规划师和景观建筑师们。9名入围者从30个候选人中脱颖而出,进入终极角逐,最终评出3位优胜者。
A symbiotic relation of cooperative social housing and dispersed tourism in Habana Vieja / Iwo Borkowicz, 建筑学院, 鲁汶大学
S'lowtecture. Housing structure in Wroclaw-Zerniki / Tomasz Broma, 建筑学院, 弗罗茨瓦夫理工大学
GeoFront. Strategic development plan for the frontier territories / Policarpo del Canto Baquera, 建筑学院, 马德里理工大学
Death and Life of a Small French city, Alix Sportich du Réau de la Gaignonnière / Alice Villatte from School of architecture of Marne-la-Vallée, 法国
Brewing Democracy: The Assembly of Le Balai Citoyen in Ouagadougou / Lorenzo Perri from AA, London, 英国
Genesis of a place towards the project / David Gonçalves Monteiro from FAUP, Porto, 葡萄牙
Living in a cultural environment / Clàudia Carreras Oliver from ETSALS, Barcelona, 西班牙
Living in offices. The alive triangle of Bordelongue in Toulouse / Jaufret Barrot, Cinthia Isabel Carrasco Fuentes from ENSA, Toulouse, 法国
Subversions Minhocao / Laura Abbruzzese from DA, Ferrara, IT
Jose Luis Vallejo, Architect, Principal at Ecosistema Urbano, Madrid (President)
Inge Beckel, Architect, Editor at Swiss-Architects.com, Zurich
Michał Duda, Architecture Historian, Curator at the Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw
Juulia Kauste, Sociologist, Director at the Museum of Finnish Architecture, Helsinki
Triin Ojari, Architect, Director at the Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn
新闻来自 Fundació Mies van der Rohe.