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admin 2009-04-28 来源:景观中国网
此次金融危机为景观行业创造了前所未有的发展机遇,为景观行业的发展装上了加速器,我预计,景观行业至少可以从节能减排、循环经济、生态农业、生态林业、生态水系、生态能源、生态恢复与环境整治、生态家园、生态安全保障能力建设管理等9大领域获益。 而我国新生代的景观设计师们,将是此次生态大建设的主力军。



























I’m very happy that the General Manager, Mr. Zhu Chen invited me here today to speak at the Forum on Industry Development and Employment Opportunities in Landscape Architecture in the Global Economic Crisis.  First off I’d like to wish this forum great success


Looking back, the beginning of the crisis began in the United States in 2006 and began influencing China in 2007 leading to decline in business and downfall of many foreign trade companies.   In 2008 the Chinese government began iniatives to develop better ecological planning in landscape projects.  The government also began to strengthen infrastructure and connections in areas of high urban development, creating better transport and trade connections between cities to create growth in key areas in the country.  Four specific areas are the focus of this iniative: the Tian Jin Binghai New Area, the Zhu river triangle which includes the cities of Shengzhen and Guangzhou, the Chang San River Triangle which includes: Shanghai and it’s of surrounding cities and the Wuhan New Area.  To illustrate the scale of this project a single landscape project in the New Area has a project value of over 500 billion rmb.  Even in the shadow of the economic crisis a great deal of opportunity exists in China for development in our industry.


During the rapid development of China’s economy and cities the environment was often sacrificed in the interest of strong industrial development.  Now that development has slowed the government can focus on correcting environmental issues that were created by rapid industrialization.  To reach the long term goal of increased consumer spending the government can sustain the economy by direct investment in these environmental projects which will stimulate the economy through the creation of new jobs and create a more sustainable economy for key areas in the country.


I think the financial crisis has created a unique opportunity for landscape architecture development in China with opportunities in 9 key areas: energy saving emission reduction, sustainable development, ecological architecture, eco forestry, ecological water systems, bio energy sources, ecological restoration, eco buildings and computer assisted environment management.


 With Chinese governments focus on new environmental development, landscape architects must provide the backbone of this new system by providing our knowledge and expertise in the development of a stronger and more environmentally and economically sustainable China. It must be our mission as an industry to ensure a focused development to help rescue not only the environment but the economy as well.  


Now, allow me to look back at the development of Landscape Architecture.  Modern landscape architecture in China is derived from the defining works of Godron and Forman and landscape ecology, and not from classical Chinese gardening.  It’s focus is on ecological development of systems and demands a much deeper understanding of the environment and sustainability than the purely aesthetic practices of classical gardening.  In China today Yuan Ling (Classical Chinese Gardening) and Jing Guan (Landscape Architecture) are translated to English as Landscape architecture even though the fields could not be more different.  The practices of traditional Chinese gardening are purely aesthetic and can damage an environment, while the practices of true landscape Architects protect and sustain as well as beautify the environment. 


The first round of development of development in China focused on infrastructure and now in the face of the economic crisis the second round of development is upon us.  This development cycle will focus landscape and ecological development.  It is our responsibility as Landscape architects to guide this development to not only create a better future for China but to create a better future for our industry.  To ensure personal success and the success of our industry in future development it is crucial for us to focus on Landscape Architecture’s ties to ecology and to differentiate as much as possible from classical Chinese gardening and that field’s misrepresentation of its relationship to Landscape planning.


 This speech is the beginning of a dialogue that I hope will lead to growth in our industry for the benefit of all parties involved.  I hope the ideas I presented today will stimulate discussion and I look forward to any ideas you may have about these issues… thank you very much.



  • 给Ta打个赏




