ISOVER 2012设计比赛首轮获奖方案
2012ISOVER多样性舒适住宅竞赛第一轮的获奖方案由Evgeni Leonov Architects事务所呈现,这个方案的主要特质是减少建筑的A/V比率,尽可能小的室外表皮意味着很少的热损耗,鸡蛋的形状是这个设计的灵感来源。众所周知,鸡蛋是最自然中最节能的一种形式,为了降低A/V比率,设计师将住宅连在一起,同时选择合适的大小,去掉边角,用鸡蛋的形状做剖面,同时与场地适应。
The main feature of the proposal is minimization of the A/V ratio of the building. Minimal external surface means minimal heat losses. Egg shape is used as inspiration to this project. As known, the egg is one of the most energy-efficient forms of nature. To make A/V ratio minimal, we blocked houses together, linked walls, chose effective dimensions, delete corners, using egg shape in section, and adopted form to site. The result is twice reduced A/V ratio (0.39).
英文名称:First Stage Winnning Proposal for ISOVER 2012
建筑设计:Evgeni Leonov Architects
建筑地址:英国 诺丁汉