澳派广州工作室招聘新团队! – 方案景观设计师 / 方案景观设计师助理 /
公司简介 h2>
澳派景观设计工作室 ASPECT Studios 目前在澳大利亚、迪拜和中国共有9个工作室和超过190名专业设计人员,随着公司规模日益壯大,澳派ASPECT Studios 继续其全球扩张,即将在中国广州设立新的分公司,不仅为当地客户也同时为广东与华南地区客户,提供及时专业的设计与高质量服务。澳派景观设计工作室欢迎具有才华的你加入我们不断壮大的团队,如果我们的工作正是你所向往的,欢迎你发送个人作品集、简历和薪资要求到shanghai@aspect-studios.com 澳派期待您的加入!
ASPECT Studios has nine studios located within Australia, Dubai and China, and over 190 people. To support our global and regional expansion we are opeing a new studio in Guangzhou. The new Guangzhou studio will provide dedicated support our expanding and high end projects and clients acorss Guangdong and southern China. At ASPECT Studios we’re always on the look-out for talented people to join our expanding team at all levels. If what we do aligns with what you believe in, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your portfolio showcasing your personal design work along with your CV and salary expectation to our HR Team at:shanghai@aspect.net.au. Look forward to joining us!
关于澳派 ASPECT Studios
澳派景观设计工作室 ASPECT Studios 目前在澳大利亚、杜拜和中国分别有9个工作室和超过190名专业设计人员,是一支备受赞誉的国际设计团队,从事景观设计、城市设计、生态设计、高端互动型多媒体及环境标识设计,我们追求高品质创新设计,为每个项目做认真细致的分析设计,坚持可持续发展生态设计,创造更好的城市和自然生态环境。
With nine studios located within Australia, Dubai and China, and over 190 people, ASPECT Studios is an Austalia owned business with an award winning industry leading track record both for projects that we design and also for the way that we think. ASPECT Studios provides the best increative design for landscapearchitecture,urban design, and high-endinteractive digitalmedia. We pursue high quality ,creative design, and propose detailed analysis for every project, fuse sustainable idea into the design and create natural and ecological environment for our city.
招聘职务 h2>
1. 对设计抱有极大的兴趣,灵活处理设计问题;
2. 2-4年的设计工作经验;
3. 熟练掌握CAD、SketchUp、Photoshop等软件;
4. 必须具备团队协作精神,在项目组长的带领下高效开展设计工作;
5. 在中国或其他快速发展的国家中有项目参与者优先;
6. 能独立完成方案设计。
Landscape Architect
•A strongdesign interest and a lateral and flexible approach to solving design problems,
•Preferably2-4 years of work experience,
•Solidknowledge in AutoCAD and a demonstration of SketchUp and Photoshop skills willbe required,
•Must be agood team player who can work efficiently under the guidance of the projectleader,
•Possessingproject experience in China or other high-pace countries is beneficial,
•Abilityto complete schematic designs independently.
1. 对设计抱有极大的兴趣,灵活处理技术问题;
2. 1-2年的设计工作经验;
3. 熟练掌握CAD、SketchUp、Photoshop等软件;
4. 必须具有团队协作精神,能在项目组长的带领下高效地开展设计工作;
5. 在中国或者其他快速发展的国家中有项目参与者优先;
6. 接受分配的任务,并及时提交成果。
AssistantLandscape Architect
•A strong design interest and a lateral and flexible approach to solving designproblems,
•Preferably 1-2 years of workexperience,
•Solid knowledge in AutoCAD and ademonstration of SketchUp and Photoshop skills will be required,
•Must be a good team player whocan work efficiently under the guidance of the project leader,
•Possessing project experience inChina or other high-pace countries is beneficial,
•Ability to follow in instructionand deliver on time.
联系方式 h2>