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  • 2023年北京大学博士研究生国际专题学术研讨会——国土空间规划与城乡韧性发展



—— 国土空间规划与城乡韧性发展








1. 促进同一主题下不同学科、不同角度的思想理念之间相互启发与沟通;

2. 帮助参会者获得其他研究者的建设性反馈(除了参会人员之间的学术讨论,参会报告者可提名一位希望获得研究建议的会议嘉宾,主办方将帮助参会者积极联系相应嘉宾);

3. 帮助参会者结识特定研究主题下的潜在学术合作者,建立青年学者的国际学术网络;

4. 帮助国外研究者获得中国研究的进入途径,以及实现学术合作的可能性。





会议语言: 英语

报告人员: 博士研究生/博士后研究者

会议地址: 北京大学建筑与景观学院

会议费用: 本研讨会不收取注册费,参会报告者须为博士研究生或博士后研究者。








1. 总字数300-500字为宜,语言简练,观点明确。

2. 摘要内容需包括研究背景、目的、方法、阶段性结论等。

3. 提供3-6个研究关键词。

4. 作者信息需提供姓名、学校及院系名称、专业名称、导师姓名、作者通信邮箱。

5. 除报告摘要正文外,可附具体研究计划文本及图片资料等展示稿件。其中图表不超过10幅,图片清晰优质,分辨率不小于300dpi。

6. 以上资料请发送至邮箱:


7. 提交截至日期:2023年8月7日。

2023 International PhD 

Academic Colloquium of Peking University

on “Territorial Spatial Planning and Resilient Development in Urban and Rural Areas” 

[Advance Notice]



At the “International PhD Academic Colloquium Program of Peking University”, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers around the world may come together to build professional connections, to discuss featured issues, to exchange resources, and to share experiences. The colloquium has been held continuously for 12 years since 2010. The topic of 2023 is “Territorial Spatial Planning and Resilient Development in Urban and Rural Areas”.

Theme and Goals

In the context of Anthropocene, environment and resources crisis has become prominent and sustainable development is an arduous task. As the promotion of modernizing national and global governance capabilities, it’s an essential issue to improve the capacity of urban and rural systems to quickly recover from external shocks such as climate change, human activities and extreme disasters. Both China and the world have the need to address above space governance issue, which starts from building a theoretical system of territorial spatial planning, resilient development in urban and rural areas, ecological infrastructure construction, sustainable development of the built environment, regional coordination and optimal governance. The colloquium will include concepts, methods and approaches applied to creation of this new system in China and the world. Other related issues will also be welcomed.

We sincerely advise participant to present a research proposal in progress or to be executed; published research results are also acceptable. Each research will be presented by a poster and a report. We aim to help tackling these topics through a variety of offerings to the participants: 

1. Receiving constructive feedback from other researchers (Every participant is encouraged to name a senior researcher whose comment you wish to hear from on your research. PKU will help you contact them).

2. Seeking potential academic collaborators on your research topic from our global academic network for young researchers.

3. Obtaining feasible academic access to China (PKU will be honored to host foreign researchers who are interested in doing research in China).


The colloquium will be held on August 19–20 at the College of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University and also be broadcast online. Please submit your abstract and other materials before August 7. Only applicants whose proposals are selected will receive a confirmation email. The final list of participants will be announced before August 15, 2023.

Participants & Arrangement 

Languague: English

Participants: PhD student /Postdoctoral Scholar. 

Expenses: No registration fee will be charged during the program.

Address: The conference will be held at the College of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University. 


Jianing Li, PhD Candidate, 86-13055226552 

Pengcheng Xue, PhD Candidate,86-18811722569 

Zhuhui Bai, PhD Candidate,86-18447071457

E-mail: pkulaconference@163.com

College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University

Submission Requirements:

1. The abstract should contain the research questions, background, objectives, methods, conclusion , etc.;

2.  There should be 3~6 keywords provided;

3.  The total word count of the main text should be from 300 to 500. The writing should be clear and concise;

4. Author information should include name and gender, school and department, major, professor’s name, email address;

5. In addition to the main text of the publicity manuscript, it is optional to provide a specific research plan with up to 10 figures and/or tables. Exhibition space will be provided to display these resources. All the material should be clear and in high quality, with a resolution of 300 dpi at least;

6. Please submit all of the above materials to pkulaconference@163.com;

7. Deadline: August 7, 2023.



