Metrostudio迈丘设计,是一家拥有超前视野与国际背景的综合性设计公司。以“Every line has a meaning(每根线条都有它的意义)”为设计理念。2000年起源于意大利萨莱诺,2005年进入中国市场,以深圳为总部,在伦敦、上海、广州、成都、重庆、武汉等国内外开设多家分公司,凝聚200多名不同区域设计精英,为世界多个国家地区客户提供涵盖规划、建筑、景观、室内、儿童游乐设计及施工一体化等优质的综合性设计服务。 迈丘设计,具有住建部颁发的“风景园林工程设计专项乙级资质”,是政府认定的国家级高新技术企业,是美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)企业会员单位,获得包括“2021金盘房企产品力全国排行榜第1名”等殊荣。深耕中国市场10多年,已涉及完成超过3000个项目,与百强知名地产公司及政府企业建立良好合作关系及部分战略合作模式,作品获得多项国内外大奖。 迈丘设计,致力于自由、多元、包容与平台化发展,专注于用艺术打造诗意空间。在城市综合体、文旅及特色小镇、城市更新、商业办公、酒店景观、居住环境、市政公园等不同领域提供专业设计服务。 迈丘设计,构筑梦想。 ------------- Metrostudio is an integrated design company with a visionary and international background, based on the concept that "every line has a meaning". Metrostudio originated from Salerno, Italy in 2000 and entered the China Market in 2005. Headquartered in Shenzhen, we have opened a number of branches in London, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and other domestic and international locations. With more than 200 design elites from different regions, we provide quality and comprehensive design services covering planning, architecture, landscape, interior, children's playground design and construction integration for clients in many countries and regions around the world. Metrostudio has obtained the Qualification of Landscape Architecture Engineering Design Issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD), is also identified as a National high-tech enterprise and a corporate membership of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Won the honor of "The 1st Place in Real Estate Product Power Ranking of 2021 Kinpan Awards", etc. With more than 10 years of experience in the Chinese market, we have involved and completed more than 3000 projects and have established good cooperation and partly strategic cooperation models with top 100 well-known real estate companies and government enterprises. We also won many awards at home and abroad. Metrostudio is committed to freedom, diversity, inclusiveness and platform development, and focuses on creating poetic spaces with art. We provide professional design services in different fields such as urban complex, cultural tourism and characteristic town, urban renewal, commercial & office, hotel landscape, residences and municipal parks, etc. Metrostudio build dream.

+86 755 26605733