DELD当代景观,1987年由凡尔赛国立高等景观学院终身教授阿兰创立于法国。是全球权威的美国景观建筑师协会(ASLA)公司会员, 欧洲园林建设协会(ELCA)、亚洲园林景观建设国际协会(ALCA) 海外理事单位。2005年进入中国,同时将强大的顾问团队和国际景观设计师带入中国,作为景观设计专业服务的提供者,始终以可持续发展的生态景观设计为准则,提供从规划设计至现场指导的全程服务,为客户打造精品项目。
DELD Landscape was created in France in 1987 by tenure professor of EcoleNationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles,Alain. It holds membership of ASLA, ELCA and ALCA. It came to China in 2005 and brought a team of consultants and International landscape designers. It provides professional landscape design service, based on its sustainable development in ecosystem landscape design. It offers services from planning to onsite consultation, maximizes products’ value.
DELD Landscape China is located in Shenzhen. Its office is 1500 square meters with nearly hundred staff. It adopts the model of exchanging staff with its French sectors. All staff work on projects together. It aims to provide landscape services in residential buildings, commercial facilities, tourist and vacationing, municipal gardens. It has been awarded more than 50 prizes in landscape design industry.
