
尤境设计是一家以景观设计和城市规划双专业为核心的设计机构,由前荷兰 NITA 及日本 ATLAS 主持设计师创办成立,具有完善的国际设计管理体系。 自成立以来,尤境设计一直秉承致力于构建多专业互交的系统性环境解决方 案,为创造具有国际视野的高标准品质环境而努力,营造可持续的生活场景, 让生活更美好,让环境更持续。

UJ design is a design organization with landscape design and urban planning as the core. It was founded by former Dutch Nita and Japanese Atlas. It has a perfect international design management system. Since its establishment, UJ design has been committed to building a systematic environmental solution with multi-disciplinary interaction, striving to create a high-standard quality environment with international vision, creating a sustainable life scene, making life better and the environment more sustainable.

  • 北京朝阳区八里庄西里住邦2000 商务中心3号楼306室
  • uj_landscape@163.com
  • 18731162789
