Turenscape Academy (TA) was established in 2015 with the exploration of environmental, social and cultural sustainability at the core of its beliefs and activities. Initiated and championed by Dr. Kongjian Yu, Member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the founder and Dean of College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture of Peking University, and the founder of Turenscape – a leading multidisciplinary design practice, the Academy pursues the concept of continuous lifelong learning. With the philosophy of Learning by Doing, TA creates an immersive educational environment for Chinese and International graduate level students, recent graduates and mid-career professionals. In offering an alternative model for education, TA aims for the advancement of comprehension of our urban and rural environments during an era of the greatest extent and speed of urbanization ever to occur, and for the amelioration of the quality and standards of design of our buildings, landscapes and cities within this accelerated context of transformation. To adequately prepare the next generation of professionals for the task of making meaningful contributions to the making of the lived environment, TA provides varied platforms and audiences for a critical and creative dialogue between design disciplines on the future of urban and rural China. Its residential campus is located in Xixinan, a heritage village situated nearby to Huangshan City and the beautiful Huangshan Mountains (Yellow Mountains), in Anhui province, is a unique setting for this new model of education, easily accessible by flights from all Chinese cities and high speed train from Beijing and Shanghai.

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