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  • 《景观设计学》2018年第4期

    作 者:
    卡特琳娜·巴克(Katarina BAJC),安琪·施托克曼(Antje STOKMAN),郑能师(ZHENG Nengshi)等
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Three Comprehensive and Innovative Strategies to Solve the Water Problems in Xiong’an New District, By Yu Kongjian


1 挑战与机遇:雄安新区建设目标及其面临的世界性难题





水生态问题:近 50 年来,白洋淀生态恶化,生物多样性大大下降;



2 反思工业文明的问题解决之道:雄安新区的“现代化”陷阱





(3)水环境:《规划》提出通过大面积清淤的方式来解决白洋淀的污染问题,加上开挖湖区,预计需投资1 000多亿人民币。这种简单粗暴的水环境治理工程,不但可能破坏原有的白洋淀生态系统,而且可持续性差,极有可能投入巨大而无经济回报。

(4)水生态:《规划》将白洋淀定位为“自然保护区”乃至保护级别更高的“国家公园”,为了修复白洋淀的生态环境,淀区核心地带计划迁出8个村庄,总迁移人口约20 000人。这种为保护而保护的做法,没有充分尊重白洋淀作为文化景观的历史和事实——文化景观是人与自然长期和谐共生而形成的景观类型。白洋淀作为历史上的蓄滞洪区,其居民的生产生活是白洋淀生态过程中不可或缺的组成部分,也是白洋淀文化遗产产生和存在的基础,也必将成为未来雄安新区市民生态游憩活动的主要区域。一味追求生态保护和修复而排斥人的活动,是没有意义的,也是代价高昂且不可持续的。


3 基于生态文明理念的三大创新策略


3.1 格局策略:“海绵国土、城水相依”的开放式生态防洪与水资源管理







3.2 形态策略:“多塘串联,水城交融”的分散式洪涝适应性街区



(2)净水穿城,水城交融:在严重缺水的现实下,调水济城是必要的,但水是可以被多次使用的。依照《规划》,“南水北调中线工程”与“引黄入冀补淀工程”每天将为新城输送水资源100万立方米,输送来的清水先引入城区的方塘和街区绿道,使净水常年穿城,再依次进入堤内湿地和堤外的白洋淀。这样,一方面可以大大提升新城的亲水性,另一方面也可以克服新城面临的季节性旱涝矛盾,最终实现“清新明亮,水城交融”的宜居城市形态。据初步计算,在此模式下,每个街区内部的“海绵”空间至少可消纳1 000m3的城市径流,即可应对20年一遇的24小时暴雨事件;而配合堤内湿地系统的2 500万立方米调蓄容积,亦可从容应对50年一遇的24小时暴雨事件,使新区具有高度洪涝自适应性。

3.3 过程策略:“化污为肥,营养循环”,形成将水质净化与绿色能源生产相结合的闭合式营养链


据计算,每千吨芦苇可移除14.7吨的氮和0.72吨的磷,用作生物质燃料可代替燃煤883吨,减少SO2排放量2.67吨。目前淀区每年可生产芦苇10万吨,如果充分利用,年均可吸收氮1 470吨、磷72吨,用作生物质燃料可代替燃煤8.83万吨,减少SO2排放量267吨。以白洋淀目前的水质为基础,在严控污染排放的前提下,经过约三年时间,即可通过芦苇的自然净化将目前淀内的劣Ⅴ类水质提升到地表水标准的Ⅲ类水。此外,通过将污水处理厂与人工湿地相结合的方式来净化雄安新区的城市生活污水,可以大大节约能源消耗。



The construction of the Xiong’an New District is a major moment for China’s urban development. Its construction targets reflect a vision that “blue-green intertwined, fresh and bright, eco-city blending water with the city,” as a model of Ecological Civilization and the Beautiful China dream. Xiong’an New District is currently facing serious ecological challenges, especially with water. It is also an excellent opportunity for China to show its extraordinary knowledge in ecological construction to the world. In 2017, the National Natural Foundation of China launched the fourth emergency project for security and resilience in the Xiong’an New District. This initiative included the Research on Xiong’an New District’s Ecological Security Pattern Construction and Protection Strategy①.

1 Challenges and Opportunities: Construction Targets and Challenges for the Xiong’an New District

The Xiong’an New District faces many serious water environmental problems including years of drought and water shortage. The Baiyangdian Lake relies on an “infusion” water supply every year, while seasonal rainfall bringing unpredictable droughts and floods in the Haihe basin. The region is also where pollution is concentrated in the North China Plain, which causes serious pollution and eutrophication problems. In the past 50 years, the ecological system of the Baiyangdian Lake area has deteriorated as biodiversity has declined. The ecological degradation has also affected the local cultural landscape of the lake. Together, these issues have posed challenges to the construction targets of the Xiong’an New District. Similarly, water shortages, flood risks, water pollution, and hydrological damage are also global problems.

2 Rethinking Industrial Problem Solving: The “Modernization” Trap

The urban construction technologies adopted from the industrialization in western countries have made great contributions to human and societal development and provided rich planning knowledge for the design of the Xiong’an New District. At the same time, urban industrial construction has relied on closed, centralized, and single-function-oriented engineering models such as gray infrastructure. This decency has caused changes in the ability of natural systems to self-adjust.

The Xiong’an New District construction should avoid repeating these mistakes, and solutions to water-based ecological problems should avoid the trap of modern industrialization through the following:

1) Water resources: The plan diverts 200 million cubic meters of water from the Yellow River and 100 million cubic meters from the South-to-North Water Transfer Project to the Baiyangdian Lake. This will aggravate water shortage in neighboring regions, causing the Xiong’an New District to become a “black hole” in the vast North China Plain.

2) Water safety: The plan includes centralized drainage in the urban area and a 200-year flood event control levee. This will increase the cost of the project and the potential risk of flooding. Rather, water controls should reflect a harmony between humans and water, blue and green, and the integration of water and cities.

3) Water environment: The plan proposes addressing the Baiyangdian Lake pollution through large-scale dredging. An estimated 100 billion RMB will be invested in the dredging and excavation of the lake. This crude treatment may damage the original ecosystem of the lake area, and is problematic as it may not result in an economic return.

4) Water ecology: The plan designates the Baiyangdian Lake as a “nature reserve”and a “national park”with a high level of protection. To remediate the ecology of the Baiyangdian Lake area, eight villages with a migrant population of 20,000 people will be relocated. This method of “protection for protection” does not respect the history of the Baiyangdian Lake as a cultural landscape formed through the long-term coexistence of man and nature. The production and living of the residents in the Baiyangdian Lake area is an indispensable part of the lake’s ecological processes because it is the source of the Baiyangdian Lake’s cultural heritage. The site is supposed to accommodate future ecological and recreational activities of the Xiong’an New District’s citizens. The pursuit of ecological protection and restoration that excludes human activities is meaningless, costly, and unsustainable.

5) Water culture: Creating a centralized closed flood control embankment and positioning the Baiyangdian Lake as a“nature reserve” and “national park” will isolate the lake area from people and the city. Failing to reflect the concept of an “eco-city integrated with bright and clean water,” it will also annihilate the cultural landscape of the Baiyangdian Lake.

3 Three Innovation Strategies Based on the Concept of Ecological Civilization

Based on the understanding above, the research team conducted detailed research on China’s 5,000-year traditional ecological wisdom, especially water-adaptive urban and landscape strategies for flooded areas. Along with contemporary ecological water management, three innovative strategies could comprehensively solve the water problems of the Xiong’an New District:

3.1 Patterning Strategy: Open Ecological Flood Control and Water Resources Management Integrating the City with a Sponge System

Based on ecological security patterns, a sponge system of “One Heart, Nine Corridors, One Ring, and Four Wetlands in the Levees” is built for regional ecological flood control and water resources management. Anti-flooding urban-water and field-water isolation infrastructures need to be replaced with eco-solutions, to alleviate regional flood control pressure on the Xiong’an New District. This will better utilize rainwater and help replenish groundwater. With water as a driving ecological factor, a series of water quality improving measures are developed to create a beautiful regional landscape.

1) Baiyangdian Lake as the “One Heart” maintain the existing low flood-control embankment in the lake area and restore it as a retention area and a productive wetland.

2) The “Nine Corridors” refer to the eight rivers that flow into Baiyangdian Lake and one river out. The river system includes levees on the river banks that will be deconstructed to allow the river to return to its natural form as a productive wetland. With this restoration, the loss in food production will result in newly productive wetlands and riverain forests. According to the specific elevation of the residential areas, flood control embankments will be built at two to three meters in height to proctect the surrounding villages. Scattered wetlands and woodlands will help form a sponge system of seasonal rivers that replenish groundwater and reduce flooding.

3) “One Ring” is a 1.2 kilometer wide ecological habitat belt around the Baiyangdian Lake Dike. This part of the lake was a flood retention area that was later converted to cultivated lands. The restored ecological park belt will serve as a drainage and flood retention area for the city, and a recreational destination for the local residents.

4) The “Four Wetlands in the Levees” are four artificially restored wetlands within the ecological belt: these are areas that have been frequently flooded and confined within levees. The storage capacity of the restored wetlands is expected to reach 100 million cubic meters and supply spaces for leisure and recreational activities within the community. This ensures flood prevention by alleviating urban-water isolation.

3.2 Morphological Strategy: A Pond System and Water-City Blending in the Decentralized Floodplains and Stormwater Adaptive Neighborhoods

The core strategy is to decentralize stormwater management through cut-and-fill to form multi-pond wetlands, drainage blocks, and resilient sponge city. The plan also considers livability with externally clean water passing through the city to create ecologically livable urban forms that blends the city with water.

1) Construct flood-adaptable city blocks: Establish a decentralized flood control system based on traditional knowledge through in-situ cut and fill, alternate urban highland groups, and distributed low-lying ponds. Design roads to be elevated boundary levees for divisional flood control and drainage that can also absorb on-site rainfall to create a unit storage pattern at a neighborhood scale; Raise the bottom of the building overhead to an elevation of 12.5 meters and make the second-floor level connected into a sort of city street while meeting the needs of a 200-year flood prevention.

2) Blend water and city: During periods of severe water shortages, it is necessary to transfer water to the city where it can be used multiple times. The “South-to-North Water Transfer Middle Line Project” and the “Yellow River Diversion to Replenish Baiyangdian Lake Project” will together transport one million cubic meters of water per day to the new city. The clean water will be introduced into the pond network and green urban streets to ensure perennial clean water throughout the city. The water will then move through the Baiyangdian Lake outside the embankment. This diversion will greatly improve water quality and mitigate seasonal drought and flooding to form a livable city. According to preliminary calculations, the sponge on each block will absorb at least 1,000 cubic meters of urban runoff, enough to withstand a 20-year rainstorm event for 24 hours. With an additional 25 million cubic meters of capacity, the wetland system within the embankment could easily cope with a 50-year rainstorm event for 24 hours.

3.3 Processing Strategy: Contamination to Fertilizer through a Closed Nutrition Chain that Combines Water Purification and Green Energy Production

The function of the Baiyangdian Lake will transform from a nature reserve to a productive wetland and a cultural landscape that has been developing for over a thousand years. The native reeds will purify the water of the lake while generating biomass fuel. This will not only reduce coal consumption and alleviate air pollution, but also help form an industrial chain that combines water, ecological restoration, environmental protection, and green energy production to reintroduce the unique local cultural landscape of the Xiong’an New District.

Based on initial calculations, 14.7 tons of nitrogen and 0.72 tons of phosphorus can be removed from the water by every 1,000 tons of reeds, and the biomass created can replace 883 tons of coal and reduce SO2 emissions 2.67 tons. The lake area currently produces 100,000 tons of reeds per year. If fully utilized, it can absorb 1,470 tons of nitrogen and 72 tons of phosphorus per year. The biomass fuel created can replace 88,300 tons of coal and reduce SO2 emissions by 267 tons. The current water quality of the Baiyangdian Lake can be upgraded to a Class III Surface Water Standard through the natural purification of the reeds in about three years. In addition, municipal sewage in the Xiong’an New District can be purified by combining sewage treatment plants with constructed wetlands to save energy consumption.


1This article is developed under a primary research subject, Theoretical Methods and Strategies for the Construction of Security and Resilience in the Xiong’an New District. The General Director of the project: Qiu Baoxing, Chairman of Chinese Society of Urban Studies. The article is an excerpt of one of the sub-subjects, Research on the Ecological Security Pattern Construction and Protection Strategies of the Xiong’an New District; Project Director: Yu Kongjian, Professor at the College of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University; Research team: He Min, Ren Baiqiang, Liu Wei, Wang-Qin Qiaodan, and An Linghan.





